Chassis Body and Transmission-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Chassis Body and Transmission-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper


Q1. Fill in the blanks: –                                                 1×10=10
a) The brake bleeding process is removes ________ from system.
b) Mac person strut is used in ___________ suspension system.
c) ABS stands for _____________.
d) Hydraulic brake works on the principle of _______________.
e) ___________ springs are used in independent suspension system.
f) ___________ brakes are commonly used on heavy vehicles.
g) Another name for torsion bar is _____________ .
h) _____________ = weight of body and chassis+ weight of suspension springs.
i) Air assisted and vacuum assisted hydraulic brakes are __________ brakes.
j) Shock absorber in automobile is used to _____________ energy.


Q2. Attempt any five questions.                                                                    5×6=30

a) Describe briefly the working of master cylinder with neat sketch.
b) What are the different types of suspension springs? Explain any one in detail.
c) Explain briefly the wheel balancing.
d) Explain briefly the air brakes.
e) Explain the principle and functions of shock absorber.
f) What are the advantages and disadvantages of tubeless tyres over the tubed tyres?
g) Differentiate between drum and disc brakes.
h) Describe briefly the various types of power steering system.


Q3. Long answer type. Attempt any TWO: – 2×15=30
a) Explain in detail the construction and working of air- assisted hydraulic braking system.
b) Explain in detail the construction and working of mac person strut type independent suspension system.
c) Write short note on:-
I. Torsion bar.
II. Air bag.
III. Recent developments in automobile industry.
IV. Wheel cylinder.
V. Seat belt.

Chassis Body and Transmiss ion-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

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Section a Chassis Body and Transmission-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

The brake bleeding process is removes ________ from system.

The brake bleeding process is removes ________ from system.

Mac person strut is used in ___________ suspension system.

Mac person strut is used in ___________ suspension system.

ABS stands for _____________.

ABS stands for _____________.

Hydraulic brake works on the principle of _______________.

Hydraulic brake works on the principle of _______________.

 ___________ springs are used in independent suspension system.

 ___________ springs are used in independent suspension system.

 ___________ brakes are commonly used on heavy vehicles.

 ___________ brakes are commonly used on heavy vehicles.

Another name for torsion bar is _________

Another name for torsion bar is _________

_____________ = weight of body and chassis+ weight of suspension springs.

_____________ = weight of body and chassis+ weight of suspension springs.

Air assisted and vacuum assisted hydraulic brakes are __________ brakes.

Air assisted and vacuum assisted hydraulic brakes are __________ brakes.

Shock absorber in automobile is used to _____________ energy.

Shock absorber in automobile is used to _____________ energy.

Chassis Body and Transmission-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Diploma Paper  Click Here

Section B :Chassis Body and Transmission-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

Describe briefly the working of master cylinder with neat sketch.

Q2. Short answer type question. Attempt any five. 6×5=30
a. Briefly explain wheel balancing.
b. What do you mean by tubeless tyres? What are its advantages over the tubed tyres?
c. Compare cross ply and radial ply tyres.
d. What are the characteristics of brake fluid?
e. Explain four wheel steering system.
f. Write short note on: Antilock braking system, Retreading of tyres.
g. Differentiate between drum and disc brake.
h. Write short note on: air bag, seat belt.

What are the different types of suspension springs? Explain any one in detail.

Types of suspension springs.

Explain briefly the wheel balancing.

Wheel balancing.

Explain briefly the air brakes.

Air brakes.

Explain the principle and functions of shock absorber.

Principle and functions of shock absorber.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of tubeless tyres over the tubed tyres?

Advantages and disadvantages of tubeless tyres over the tubed tyres.

Differentiate between drum and disc brakes.

Differentiate between drum and disc brakes.

Describe briefly the various types of power steering system.

Types of power steering system.

Chassis Body and Transmission-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Diploma Paper Click Here

Chassis Body and Trans mission-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Auto mobile Diploma Paper

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Section c :-Chassis Body and Transmission-II 5th Sem Dec 2015 Automobile Diploma Paper

Explain in detail the construction and working of air- assisted hydraulic braking system.

Construction and working of air- assisted hydraulic braking system.

Explain in detail the construction and working of mac person strut type independent suspension system.

Construction and working of mac person strut type independent suspension system.

Write short note on:- I. Torsion bar.

Short note on Torsion bar.

Write a Short Note on Air bag.

Air bag.

III. Recent developments in automobile industry.

Recent developments in automobile industry.

IV. Wheel cylinder.

Wheel cylinder.

V. Seat belt.

Seat belt.

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